It is ingrained in our values to contribute to society and to our industry through humanitarian, environmental, moral, educational and responsible drinking policies and activations, mirroring the practices of our international partners and associates, many of whom are renowned worldwide for their humanitarian and environmental culture.

  • Among others, we have been sponsoring fund raising events of the Cyprus Institute of Neurology and Genetics since 2008. In recognition of our support, the Institute has publicly awarded our Company in 2015 and 2019.

  • As a family company, we are anthropocentric and maintain a politically correct and familial environment for our personnel with equal opportunities for all racial, religious and gender groups.

  • We share the vision of a world in which justice and sustainable development are at the heart of trade and business so that everyone, through their work, can maintain a decent and dignified livelihood. (Fairtrade Foundation)

  • We constantly strive to become greener and to reduce our carbon footprint in both our office and warehousing environment. We were among the first members of Green Dot Cyprus, the first Collective Compliance System for Packaging and Packaging Waste in Cyprus.

  • We have a deep commitment to responsible drinking. While we contribute to occasions of relaxation and enjoyment for our customers, professionals and consumers alike, we are aware of our responsibility to educate them on the dangers associated with irresponsible use and / or excessive consumption of alcohol by promoting “responsible drinking” though our practices.

  • As a founding and active member of ΣΕΑΠΚ (Σύνδεσμος Εισαγωγέων Αλκοολούχων Ποτών Κύπρου – Association of Importers of Alcoholic Beverages in Cyprus) under the Cyprus Chamber of Commerce and Industry, we have also contributed to the establishment of the «Ποτό με Μέτρο» – com (Drink in Moderation) Organization aiming to promote responsible alcohol consumption in Cyprus. Potomemetro.com has partnered with ΦΕΔ (Φορέας Ελέγχου Διαφήμισης – Advertising Control Agency) to create a Code of Conduct for Advertising of Alcoholic Beverages. Potomemetro.com have also cooperated with REACTION Youth for Prevention and the Cyprus Police to organize educational events Against Drinking and Driving with volunteers from our Group participating in the activations.

  • We maintain our own Anti-Bribery & Corruption Policy in line with the relevant EU and Cyprus legislation.